The moment I learned of the Bonneville Salt Flats I wanted to see, experience, and photograph this magical landscape. I first learned about this special place because of the Bonneville Speedway and time trial events that take place there, but I quickly realized that I was late to the party. It's been a destination for photographers and social media enthusiasts long before it ever came onto my radar. I thought "I must go". So I bunked in Salt Lake City and drove West very early in the morning as the sun rose behind me. As any photographer would, I imagined seeing blue skies and the iconic Silver Island Mountains rising behind the flats. What I hadn't factored in were the wildfires raging just outside of Salt Lake City, creating a smokey pink haze in the air that held a beauty of it’s own! Looking for my shots that morning (clearly a no-go) I spied something even more fascinating than these salt flats...the people. I COULD NOT LOOK AWAY. The things that people do for a good social media post. The things that people do when they think no one is looking. These are some of my favorite photographs of all time. I hope they make you smile too!